Sunday, November 4, 2012

Here Ye, Women!

My husband is fond of saying that anything can be made better by making it shorter.  I think he was referring to writing--although he could be talking about me.  There are a lot of complex issues floating around before Tuesday's election.  I hope everyone votes.
Hear ye, Women!

A tiny thing, our presidential vote,

Of value only when it’s cast away,

Once ballots counted, that is all she wrote,

Will we be free to 'choose' another day?

Misogyny remains a latent threat,

Despite acknowledged gains of Rowe v. Wade—

I’d rather live without the Internet

Than throw away the progress women made.

Fair ladies, send a message that is clear,

A woman’s body must remain her own,

Such politics betray a greater fear,

By men who dread their stature overthrown.

Don’t let the politicians fix our worth,

A woman’s equal rights begin at birth.

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