There is an old story about the great 19th
Century composer and pianist, Anton Rubinstein—teacher to Tschaikowsky. He was a notorious lounge lizard who had
great difficulty waking up in the morning.
In the absence of annoying electronic alert tones (praise technology!),
his wife devised a fool-proof strategy to awaken him. She would crawl downstairs and bang out an
unresolved cadence on the piano.
Disturbed by the hanging, gravity-defying dissonance, he would grumpily
race down the stairs to resolve the chord.
I thought of this as I lingered in bed this morning. It was a late night, prolonged by a
concession speech that didn’t want to happen.
I was glad for the quiet. Indeed,
the quality of the air outside seemed different somehow, as if the positive
charge that was so evident the day before had been neutralized. I could relax in harmony with the world.
Thank goodness. Now
that the election is over, we are all free to move on to more important
things. The hype of the election has all
but buried the important headlines, leaving us wanting and sadly uninformed. For example, I have lost track of the
continuing saga of Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. As I anticipate the final installment of my
favorite vampire series, I need to know how to interpret the on-screen love affair
against the real-life drama that has unfolded in recent months. Even Donald Trump took a break from his
president-bashing to address this crisis, declaring the aloof and elusive
Stewart to be a “dog.” I am weighing my
opinions carefully; this is Trump’s area of expertise.
From another chapter of “Oh, No You Didn’t,” I discovered
today that Rihanna is singing duets with Chris Brown. I mean, we’ve been so preoccupied with
getting clarity on the definition of rape that we totally overlooked intimate
partner violence. Apparently, Rihanna
missed the memo on the abhorrence of violence against women, releasing a single
with her ex-lover and abuser called “Nobodies Business.” With that kind of spelling, perhaps she has
bigger problems than Chris Brown.
The most difficult news to comprehend—enough that I caught
myself wishing for a news-grabbing recount—is the possibility that Harrison
Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher may be conspiring to bring out a Star Wars
7. Don’t get me wrong, I loved them in
the campy, comic-like characters of the classic Star Wars episodes, throwing
off lines like “I’d rather kiss a wookie” without so much as a nuance. But other than nostalgia, what could possibly
make such a concept appealing? I already
have visions emblazoned on my brain of a geriatric space station, with C3PO and
R2D2 newly retrofitted for home health functions. It brings new meaning to the concept of a Death Star. And yet, I find it oddly refreshing that
this ranked as news today.
Here’s hoping that as we close the door on the election, we
find a new normal—one based on real values of integrity, communication, social
justice, and basic caring for one another. We need to be participants, holding the feet
of our elected officials to the fire until they deliver on their public trust. It is time to abolish the dissonance of party
polarity and get to work on working together.
We all need to realize that
there are no quick and dirty fixes; like harmony, the progression toward a
better tomorrow occurs step by step.
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