Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't Call Them Excuses

It is a busy time of year for working mothers.  And as every mom knows, our priorities are negotiable.  As soon as another family member has needs, ours are the first to go out the window.  What mom doesn’t get bogged down when it comes to launching the kids and their attendant stuff off to college?  With little time for myself, a commitment to post a blog, an anniversary dinner looming, and an unforgiving public keeping me honest, I am coming up short.  As such, today’s blog is a collection of reasons why there is no blog today.  I think this could be a new way to rip a hold in the space-time continuum.  Are the blogs I’ve already posted starting to fade away?  Oh no. . .

Twenty-Five Actual Reasons Why This Is All There is to Today’s Blog:
1.       I had to drive to the airport to get my last kid off to college.
2.       I had a great blog topic planned, but could not decide my position on the topic.
3.       Got bogged down trying to wrap my head around the concept of “legitimate rape.”
4.       Had to watch DVR’d True Blood because the hotel near my daughter’s dorm did not have HBO.
5.       The dog ate my blog.
6.       The sun was shining so brightly that it took the edge off of my point of view.
7.       My son killed time before his flight by turning on South Park.
8.       My house was such a mess after leaving my husband home alone for three days that I could not think straight.
9.       My nail polish took a long time to dry.
10.   The laundry was multiplying like rabbits and alien life-forms.
11.   I wanted to spend my son’s final hours at home talking rather than typing.
12.   My mother called.
13.   I got distracted Googling after learning the definition of “doppelnamer.”
14.   My hair dryer overheated and needed to cool down before I could finish blow-drying my hair.
15.   I accidentally scratched my cornea with a pair of tweezers.
16.   Made a concerted effort to find substance about healthcare and the economy from the Presidential candidates.
17.   Enjoyed reading multitudes of anniversary wishes on Facebook from close friends.
18.   I had to start planning for my husband’s departmental poker party.
19.   I had to clean the house for the housekeeper, whose job it is to clean the house.
20.   I am brain dead, literally, after letting my son choose the radio stations on yesterday’s drive from Philadelphia to Boston.
21.   Did I mention that “legitimate rape” thing?
22.   I am still fighting a secret addiction to Kindle-Mah Jongg-Solitaire.
23.   One of my clients needed me to do some actual work today.
24.   I suddenly realized the nest is empty, again.
25.   Unlike every other day, today is my anniversary, making it essential that I get to end of job before my husband walks in the door—which is NOW.

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