Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Pentameter Parameter

Inquiring minds wondered whether it takes longer to write a 1000-word essay or a Shakespearean sonnet.  Hence this post, written in iambic pentameter:

So Shallow Network

When Facebook pushed its social network out,
The online world was one big catalogue,
Yet now we 'friend' and 'poke' and 'text' about
While any Joe-blow hack can have a 'blog'!
But what of children born to such a fate,
Embracing realms where writers never 'write'--
Will they be taught to miscommunicate,
Or change the currency to megabyte?
Computer chips enrich the common tool,
Put integrated features in our hand;
We still must teach our kids The Golden Rule,
Ensuring social graces on demand.
The world would be a very frightening place,
If you and I could not speak face to face.

Tomorrow's blog:  Does All That Math Add Up?

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