Saturday, July 14, 2012

Life's Little Irony

Sonnet, anyone?

Life’s Little Irony

There was a time I was the youngest tot

Of generations deep and nations wide,

My kids now study what I’ve long forgot,

So self-absorbed, ignoring mother’s pride.

In haste as kids, determined to have all,

We grabbed afore the pendulum had swung;

If only I knew then I would forestall,

For youth is sorely wasted on the young.

Rush not through science, history, and art,

A learned man is ignorance in disguise,

The knowledge of the facts may make you smart--

But only time can make you truly wise.

At last I feel equipped for life, yet I—

Lament the speed at which the years rush by.

Tomorrow's blog:  A Mother's Silly Wish

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