This is my 249th blog in 249 days. Like a marathon runner, my writing legs are
crumbling under me while my body suffers from creative dehydration. I am keeping
my mind on the finish line—only 117 blogs away—digging deep in the hope that I
will somehow conjure the energy to go the distance. And just like the marathon runners, I rely on
my friends, who not only cheer from the sidelines, but also run alongside to shower
me with water and hand me nutritional supplements.
Today I am going to ask for a little more. While I appreciate the daily hits, the “Likes,”
and the occasional comments (snarky and sincere), I would also enjoy an
inspirational poke and prod. I have
already written ad infinitum on my
childhood, my family, my cooking, my education, my piano playing, my career,
and my exploits as a consumer. The other
day, I began to write a piece before realizing that I had already explored that
topic. I am looking to cast my gaze in new
directions—something beyond the four walls of my kitchen where I crank out
This is a difficult thing that I ask. It is hard to suggest writing topics for
other people. My husband is forever
handing me ideas about things that have happened to him, thinking they would
make great blogs. But these are his stories, and I want to tell my own. So rather than ask you for topics, which by my stringent rules
might be considered cheating, I would like to request words. Just words.
After reading today's blog, go to one of the areas available for
comment (Blogger, Facebook, or the FB Mommadods page) and leave me a one-word inspiration. Think of this as a creative pot shot—something
with no meaning or agenda to you that may prove to be the seed of an idea for
me. Your words may be as random and as provocative
as you choose; however, keeping in mind that my mother-in-law reads these
blogs, please keep your offerings within the range of decency. If your challenge word becomes the
inspiration for a blog, you will be credited in that day’s entry.
Please do not feel constrained by my challenge. There is no limit here. I welcome as many words from as many readers
as possible. I am also counting on your
continued support. This blog-a-day
challenge has proven to be a task of brobdingnagian proportions.